
LangChain - Retrieval

LangChain - Retrieval

Ever since ChatGPT came out, people have been building a personalized ChatGPT for their data. We even wrote a tutorial on this, and then ran a competition about this a few months ago. The desire and demand for this highlights an important limitation of ChatGPT - it doesn’t know about YOUR data, and most people would find it more useful if it did. So how do you go about building a chatbot that knows about your data?


I built an app for question-answering over the full history of Lex Fridman podcasts. It uses Whisper for audio-to-text followed by Langchain for dataset processing and embedding. It uses Pinecone to store embeddings and Langchain vectorDB search to find relevant podcast clips given a user question. It uses UI elements inspired by Mckay Wrigley’s work. Code is here. Link
Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering, also known as In-Context Prompting, refers to methods for how to communicate with LLM to steer its behavior for desired outcomes without updating the model weights. It is an empirical science and the effect of prompt engineering methods can vary a lot among models, thus requiring heavy experimentation and heuristics. Link
Chart Gallery

Chart Gallery

Each chart shown below is a QuickChart image built with a Chart.js config. These images can be sent in emails or embedded in any platform. Link
ChatGPT x Botpress: unleash generative AI to build the next generation of chatbots

ChatGPT x Botpress: unleash generative AI to build the next generation of chatbots

ChatGPT has reimagined the possibilities for chatbots! This webinar will show you how Botpress is reinventing the entire bot-building process with generative AI. [Link](ChatGPT has reimagined the possibilities for chatbots! This webinar will show you how Botpress is reinventing the entire bot-building process with generative AI.)