
ModelScope is built upon the notion of “Model-as-a-Service” (MaaS)

ModelScope is built upon the notion of “Model-as-a-Service” (MaaS)

ModelScope is built upon the notion of “Model-as-a-Service” (MaaS). It seeks to bring together most advanced machine learning models from the AI community, and streamlines the process of leveraging AI models in real-world applications. The core ModelScope library open-sourced in this repository provides the interfaces and implementations that allow developers to perform model inference, training and evaluation. Link
Network Theory

Network Theory

Scientists and engineers use diagrams of networks in many different ways. Together with many collaborators I am studying networks with the tools of modern mathematics, such as category theory. You can read blog articles, papers and a book about our research. I am collaborating with the Topos Institute to use the resulting math for scientific computation, such as quickly adaptable models of infectious disease. Link The Mathematics of Networks
PyXAB - Python X-Armed Bandit

PyXAB - Python X-Armed Bandit

PyXAB is a Python open-source library for X-armed bandit algorithms, a prestigious set of optimizers for online black-box optimization, i.e., optimize an objective without gradients, also known as the continuous-arm bandit (CAB), Lipschitz bandit, global optimization (GO) and bandit-based black-box optimization problems. Link
The best orchestration tool for MLOps: a real story about difficult choices

The best orchestration tool for MLOps: a real story about difficult choices

Machine learning has a wide range of possible applications in almost all industries. Model architecture, performance metrics improvement, and optimization of calculations have always been at the center of attention. At the same time, machine learning has not yet gone through the same stages of standardization process as software development has through the past decades. To this day, the field of machine learning does not have a single generally accepted approach to solving problems in terms of practical use of models.
Visual ChatGPT

Visual ChatGPT

Visual ChatGPT connects ChatGPT and a series of Visual Foundation Models to enable sending and receiving images during chatting. Link
AI-Code-Mastery (Episode 5): Zero-Shot document question answering with Flan-ULv2

AI-Code-Mastery (Episode 5): Zero-Shot document question answering with Flan-ULv2

Let’s create a zero-shot document question answering system using Flan-ULv2, a powerful encoder-decoder language model from Google based on T5. This system can surpass the performance of other models like GPT-3 and T5 in various downstream tasks. We’ll utilize the chainlang library to build an embedding database, search the database for the most similar documents to a given query, and then use the language model to retrieve the most likely answers.
Build a Chat App with NEW ChatGPT API | Full stack, React, Redux Toolkit, Node, OpenAI

Build a Chat App with NEW ChatGPT API | Full stack, React, Redux Toolkit, Node, OpenAI

Build a Chat Application with ChatEngine and OpenAI and ChatGPT integration tutorial. The frontend will consist of ChatEngine for our chat application, Redux Toolkit for our state management, Redux Toolkit Query for making api calls, Hero icons for our Icons and React Router for Navigation. For the backend we will be using Node Js as our runtime, Express Js as our backend framework, and OpenAI for Ai integration with our chat.
Build A Chatbot With The ChatGPT API In React (gpt-3.5-turbo Tutorial)

Build A Chatbot With The ChatGPT API In React (gpt-3.5-turbo Tutorial)

In this video we use the new OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo model to create a ChatGPT application in React. This is one of the fastest GPT models to be released. This video is great for beginners to both React and ChatGPT, and is a great portfolio project. We create a chatbot that allows you to communicate directly with the ChatGPT API, which is a project that can be applied to a vast array of React projects!