


WebSHAP is a JavaScript library that adapts Kernel SHAP for the Web environments. You can use it to explain any machine learning models available on the Web directly in your browser. Given a model’s prediction on a data point, WebSHAP can compute the importance score for each input feature. WebSHAP leverages modern Web technologies such as WebGL to accelerate computations. With a moderate model size and number of input features, WebSHAP can generate explanations in real time.
What is Prompt Engineering?

What is Prompt Engineering?

Large language models like GPT-3 have spawned a new emerging field called Prompt Engineering. People are coming up with clever techniques to prompt these models to perform different tasks, such as: Link
Zapier langchain quickstart

Zapier langchain quickstart

OpenAI APIkey Zapier Natural Language API Key Zapier NLA Project ID (create a demo task in their UI according to website instructions listed below in resources) Link
A Gentle Introduction to Quantum Natural Language Processing

A Gentle Introduction to Quantum Natural Language Processing

In this introduction to Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP), we will see how words’ meaning is classically encoded into computers. We will then discuss the challenges representing the meaning of sentences, and present a framework to achieve it (DisCoCat). After seeing that this method benefits a quantum speedup, we will present three examples of use cases. Link
Announcing OpenChatKit

Announcing OpenChatKit

OpenChatKit provides a powerful, open-source base to create both specialized and general purpose chatbots for various applications. We collaborated with LAION and Ontocord to create the training dataset. Much more than a model release, this is the beginning of an open source project. We are releasing a set of tools and processes for ongoing improvement with community contributions. Link
Build and Deploy a Web3 Blockchain Crowdfunding Platform

Build and Deploy a Web3 Blockchain Crowdfunding Platform

With a stunning design, connected to the blockchain, metamask pairing, interaction with smart contracts, sending Ethereum through the blockchain network, writing solidity code, and, most importantly, the ability to create create, view, and donate to crowdfunding campaigns directly through the blockchain; this course is perfect to fully understand how web3, blockchain, Solidity, and smart contracts truly work behind the scenes. Link
Content Moderation & Fraud Detection - Patterns in Industry

Content Moderation & Fraud Detection - Patterns in Industry

Content moderation is the process of learning and inferring the quality of human-generated content such as product reviews, social media posts, and ads. How do we know which are irrelevant, incorrect, or downright harmful? A related problem is detecting anomalous activity such as fraudulent transactions or malicious traffic. Link
Discovery of the New Cohere Summarization Endpoint

Discovery of the New Cohere Summarization Endpoint

Two weeks ago, announced their new dedicated summarization endpoint! For someone currently doing their PhD on text summarization, this is both worrying, but obviously also a rather intriguing development: while recent advancements have been focusing on rather broadly applicable models (think, chatGPT), providing more task-specific alternatives seems to be the niche that Cohere is carving out for themselves. Link
GPT 4: Superpower results with search

GPT 4: Superpower results with search

GPT-4 is pretty incredible, but like its predecessors, it has problems. Hallucinations and the lack of up-to-date information are typical of Large Language Models (LLMs), from PaLM and LLaMa, to ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) and GPT 4. Link