Aqueduct gives you a simple Python-native API to define machine learning pipelines, the ability to deploy those pipelines on your existing infrastructure (e.g., Spark, Kubernetes, Lambda), and visibility into the code, data, and metadata associated with your workflows. Aqueduct is fully open-source and runs securely in your cloud.
Use Lightning, the hyper-minimalistic framework, to build machine learning components that can plug into existing ML workflows. A Lightning component organizes arbitrary code to run on the cloud, manage its own infrastructure, cloud costs, networking, and more. Focus on component logic and not engineering.
Game-playing artificial intelligence (AI) systems have advanced to a new frontier. Stratego, the classic board game that’s more complex than chess and Go, and craftier than poker, has now been mastered. Published in Science, we present DeepNash, an AI agent that learned the game from scratch to a human expert level by playing against itself.
How do you get live notifications from a service that doesn’t support live notifications? Can you watch an online store for price drops? Or track comments on someone else’s YouTube video? Or at work, can you react to changes in another
New users can start creating straight away. Lessons learned from deployment and improvements to our safety systems make wider availability possible. Link
Text-to-Image models have made great strides this year, from DALL-E 2 to the more recent Imagen model. In this tutorial learn how to build a minimal Imagen implementation - MinImagen.