In this tutorial, we will build a job recommendation and skill discovery script that will take unstructured text as input, and will then output job recommendations and skill suggestions based on entities such as skills, years of experience, diploma, and major.
We will extract entities and relations from job descriptions using the BERT model and we will attempt to build a knowledge graph from skills and years of experience.
How to build a knowledge graph from job descriptions using fine-tuned transformer-based Named Entity Recognition (NER) and spacy’s relation extraction models. The method described here can be used in any different field such as biomedical, finance, healthcare, etc.
Below are the steps we are going to take:
Load our fine-tuned transformer NER and spacy relation extraction model in google colab
Create a Neo4j Sandbox and add our entities and relations
FastAPI might be able to help. FastAPI is FastAPI is a web framework for building APIs with Python. We will use FastAPI in this article to build a REST API to service an NLP model which can be queried via GET request and can dole out responses to those queries.
For this example, we will skip the building of our own model, and instead leverage the Pipeline class of the HuggingFace Transformers library.