
Demystifying the Parquet File Format

Demystifying the Parquet File Format

In this post we will discuss apache parquet, an extremely efficient and well-supported file format. The post is geared towards data practitioners (ML, DE, DS) so we’ll be focusing on high-level concepts and using SQL to talk through core concepts, but links for further resources can be found throughout the post and in the comments. Link
Data Mesh

Data Mesh

Learn about building a data mesh on event streams with Apache Kafka® and Confluent. Link
Are You Still Using Pandas to Process Big Data in 2021?

Are You Still Using Pandas to Process Big Data in 2021?

Dask provides advanced parallelism for analytics, enabling performance at scale for the tools you love. This includes numpy, pandas and sklearn. It is open-source and freely available. It uses existing Python APIs and data structures to make it easy to switch between Dask-powered equivalents. Vaex is a high-performance Python library for lazy Out-of-Core DataFrames (similar to Pandas), to visualize and explore big tabular datasets. It can calculate basic statistics for more than a billion rows per second.