
Constructing an Efficient Knowledge Graph RAG Pipeline with LlamaIndex

Constructing an Efficient Knowledge Graph RAG Pipeline with LlamaIndex

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) emerges as a solution to bridge this gap, allowing LLMs to access external knowledge sources. This article delves into RAG, examines its elements, and constructs a usable RAG workflow that harnesses the potential of LlamaIndex, a knowledge graph. Link
YouTube Transcripts → Knowledge Graphs for RAG Applications

YouTube Transcripts → Knowledge Graphs for RAG Applications

Here we will explore how to scrape YouTube video transcripts into a knowledge graph for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. We will use Google Cloud Platform to store our initial transcripts, LangChain to create documents from the transcripts and a Neo4j graph database to store the resulting documents. In this example we will be creating a knowledge graph containing objective musical facts spoken by Anthony Fantano himself on a select few music genres.
Graph Machine Learning Explainability with PyG

Graph Machine Learning Explainability with PyG

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become increasingly popular for processing graph-structured data, such as social networks, molecular graphs, and knowledge graphs. However, the complex nature of graph-based data and the non-linear relationships between nodes in a graph can make it difficult to understand why a GNN makes a particular prediction. With the rise in popularity of Graph Neural Networks, there also came an increased interest in explaining their predictions. Link
Introduction to Graph Machine Learning

Introduction to Graph Machine Learning

We first study what graphs are, why they are used, and how best to represent them. We then cover briefly how people learn on graphs, from pre-neural methods (exploring graph features at the same time) to what are commonly called Graph Neural Networks. Lastly, we peek into the world of Transformers for graphs. Link
Categories, Graphs, Reasoning

Categories, Graphs, Reasoning

Dr. Petar Veličković is a Staff Research Scientist at DeepMind, he has firmly established himself as one of the most significant up and coming researchers in the deep learning space. He invented Graph Attention Networks in 2017 and has been a leading light in the field ever since pioneering research in Graph Neural Networks, Geometric Deep Learning and also Neural Algorithmic reasoning. If you haven’t already, you should check out our video on the Geometric Deep learning blueprint, featuring Petar.

Graph Neural Network for Recommender System

Recently, graph neural network (GNN) has become the new state-of-the-art approach in many recommendation problems, with its strong ability to handle structured data and to explore high-order information. However, as the recommendation tasks are diverse and various in the real world, it is quite challenging to design proper GNN methods for specific problems. In this tutorial, we focus on the critical challenges of GNN-based recommendation and the potential solutions. Link
KG Course 2021

KG Course 2021

Курс по графам знаний (Knowledge Graphs) и как их готовить в 2021 году. На русском языке. Link